How to detect breast cancer?

How to detect breast cancer

Breast cancer screening is important because it increases the chances of recovery. There are different ways to detect breast cancer, including the annual examination with a doctor, mammograms and monthly self-breast examination. This will allow you to detect the tumor at home before it spreads.

Breast cancer can affect anyone, even men. The modern lifestyle constantly exposes us to the risk. It is therefore strongly advised to adopt a healthy lifestyle and avoid exposure to anything that can cause this disease. Here are some risk factors.

Risk factors for breast cancer :

  • Age
  • Cigarette
  • Family history of breast cancer
  • Hormones
  • Exposure to chemicals
  • Exposure to radiation

Early signs of breast cancer


Signs Of Breast Cancer

The breast self-examination

You must learn to know your body, this will allow you to detect what does not go easily. By doing this examination alone, you must seek:

  • Inverted nipples
  • A lump in the breast
  • Lesions
  • Leakage
  • Skin rashes

These symptoms are the most prevalent. Attention, this self-examination does not replace a doctor’s examination.

The annual examination with a doctor

This kind of examination is conducted by a specialist, who will look for if there are any bumps in the breast. Women aged under 40 must do this review each year, those over 40 years have to do it three times a year.

The genetic test

This test is based on the patient’s blood. That way, any genetic mutation is detected to determine if the person could develop a tumor in the future. It is recommended to do this test, especially for people who have a family history.


Mammography is an x-ray of the breasts. This technique allows to obtain images of the inside of the breast through X-rays and detect any abnormalities. Two radiographs are performed, a front and obliquely to compare the two sides of each breast. The only drawback to this option is that mammography is not able to distinguish benign from malignant tumors. It is therefore necessary in this case to carry out further tests.

The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

The magnetic resonance imaging is an examination performed by a device that produces electromagnetic waves allowing to obtain images of the interior of the body to detect any abnormality. This method is used in cases of genetic mutations or a family history.


Biopsy is the last method that doctors use to detect a breast cancer. It is a sampling of a small part of an organ or tissue to conduct an examination and confirm a suspected pathology. There are :

  • The fine needle biopsy
  • Aspiration biopsy
  • Surgical biopsy

However, do not content yourself with the opinion of a single doctor. Always consult a second doctor for more sureness.