Say goodbye to neck and shoulder pain with this simple exercise

A recent study conducted in Denmark showed that 50% of office workers may suffer from neck and shoulder pain, due to long periods spent in a bad position at work.

This simple exercise of Thera-Band for 2 minutes a day, 5 times a week will significantly lessen your neck and shoulder pain.

Standing, grasp the handles of the Thera-Band and press the middle with your right foot. Lift your arms up. Keep your elbows bent at about 5 degrees. Stop at the shoulder level, hold and release.

say goodbye to the neck and shoulder pain with this simple exercise

say goodbye to neck and shoulder pain

Make sure to keep your shoulder blades down and avoid shrugged. Keep your back straight. Repeat for 2 minutes once a day for 5 days (of work).

Here is a demo video:

By adding a therapeutic massage to your Thera-Band exercise program, your neck and shoulder pain will be a distant memory.