Here’s why you must not use cotton swabs

We tend systematically to clean the ears after showering. However, they should not be cleaned. The body has its own process for hygiene and when cleaning ears, we only disrupt this natural process.

The dangers of using cotton swabs:

Earwax, that yellowish substance you remove from the ears with cotton swabs protects the ears. in fact, earwax has antibacterial and lubricating properties that protect the eardrums while keeping dirt and dust out. The swabs push earwax deeper, and clean an area of the ear that does not need to be cleaned.

According to Dr. Douglas of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, earwax cleans the ear canal. When pushed into the ear, it carries with bacteria and fungi, which can lead to pain and infection.

Dr. Douglas also explains that when you clean your ears with cotton swabs, you trigger itching, and the more you insist, the more you feel the itching.

Follow these tips if you really need to clean your ears:

It is strongly recommended by doctors not to clean your ears with cotton swabs. If necessary, consult a health care professional, or use this trick from Dr. Douglas:

Mix in equal parts of white vinegar, rubbing alcohol and water from the tap. A few drops of this mixture in each ear are enough to clean up instantly.