Constipation – Nursing Diagnosis & Care Plan

constipation ncp

Nursing Care Plan For Nursing Diagnosis: Constipation

Constipation is the state wherein there is decrease in the frequency of excreting body waste which can be associated with inability to pass out stools or there is a presence of hardened stool that is difficult to excrete. In such cases, a person who is constipated may feel uncomfortable because of not having the normal defecation process. At some point, this cannot be considered as serious state. But sometimes constipation can be caused by some disorders, lack of exercise, and use of different medications.

If constipation is prolonged or being experienced always it may also result to different digestive disorders. So this should be treated so as to have a normal digestive process.

Nursing Diagnosis: Constipation


Constipation is defined by NANDA-I as : a decrease in normal frequency of defecation accompanied by difficult or incomplete passage of stool and/or passage of excessively hard, dry stool.

Defining Characteristics:

1. Dry and hard feces.
2. Abdominal distention
3. Headache.
4. General body weakness.
5. Painful defecation.
6. Colour of feces may be darker.
7. Mass on abdomen may be felt.

Related Factors

Constipation related to:

1. Any injury to spinal cord.
2. Decrease oral fluid intake.
3. Long term use of purgatives.
4. Increased weight.
5. Lack of physical activity, Sedentary lifestyle.
6. Low fiber-diet.
7. Gastrointestinal disorders
8. Disturbed in Mental status: stress, anxiety.
9. Post-operative patients

Nursing Outcomes:

  • Patient maintains the normal defecation process as manifested by passage of soft and formed stools with the expected frequency per day.
  • Patient determines the preventive measures of constipation.
  • Patient increases his/her knowledge on the treatment of constipation

Nursing Assessment

Assessment Rationale
1. Assess and check the patient’s consistency and frequency of stools during defecation ·       It helps in determining the normal defecation process of each patient to serve as a basis
2. ask the patient on the eating habits and the amount of liquid intake. ·       This will determine the type of food being taken and amount of fluid intake so as to assess possibility of occurrence of constipation.
3. Assess the patient’s lifestyle especially his/her activities of daily living ·       Infrequent moving can result to constipation
4. ask the patient regarding intake of such medications that may have a side effect which is constipation. ·       It will determine if such medications can lead to constipation
5. Ask patient’s history of diseases which may cause constipation ·       This will serve as a guide why constipation occurs to the patient

Nursing Interventions and rationale:

1. Educate the patient on the importance of having normal elimination process by having good nutrition and correct amount of liquid intake

Rationale: It will prevent occurrence of such problems on elimination such as constipation

2. Advise the patient to have an oral fluid  intake of 2000 to 3000 mL/day, if not contraindicated

Rationale: It will prevent the occurrence of constipation if there is enough fluid intake because it will soften the stool.

3. Advise patient to increase intake of dietary fiber

Rationale: It will make elimination easier because it adds bulk to the stool

4. Let the patient undergo such activities or exercises per day.

It promotes better blood circulation going to the different parts of the body including the digestive system.

5. Encourage the patient to have a regular period for defecation

Rationale: It will let the patient have a regular schedule in defecation.

6. Determine presence of hardened stools which will not let the patient defecate easily. Determine measures of removing the stools if needed.

Rationale: It will let the patient become comfortable by helping him/her in removing the impacted stools.

7. Promote privacy of patients during defecation

Rationale: It will help promote defecation.

8. Administer medications such as stool softeners and suppositories as prescribed

Rationale: It will promote easy defecation of patients who are constipated for several days