Deficient Diversional Activity – Nursing Diagnosis & Care Plan

Deficient diversional activity: Nanda Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Care Plan.

Deficient diversional activity is a nursing diagnosis which is defined as the individual experiencing a diminished engagement or interest in recreational activities. It literally means that the individual in this state cannot perform particular activities necessary in their daily living. There are a lot of etiologic factors or causes of having diminished interest in doing activities. Some of the possible causes are the following: prolonged hospitalization, immobility, lengthy treatments, presence of a nonstimulating environment, pain sensation, fatigue, and depression. These are some of the many causes of having deficient diversional activity. These causes can affect the abilities of an individual to perform the different activities needed.

Lack of engagement in such recreational activities can have negative effects to a person physically and mentally. It may worsen the underlying medical conditions because of prolonged immobility which leads to more severe complications. In this case, it may not help the patient recover totally from his/her illness. Instead, it will further develop new disease/illness.

Proper education and health teachings to patients is very important. The nurse should provide enough information regarding an active lifestyle either to a sick or healthy individuals.

Definition by Nanda-I

Decreased stimulation from (or interest or engagement in) recreational or leisure activities.

Nanda Nursing Diagnosis Classification

Domain 1. Health Promotion => Class 1. Health Awareness => Deficient diversional activity

Defining Characteristics

  • Boredom
  • Current setting does not allow engagement in activity

Related Factors by Nanda-I

  • Insufficient diversional activity
  • Extremes of age
  • Prolonged hospitalization
  • Prolonged institutionalization;

Other Related Factors

  • Immobility
  • Lengthy treatments
  • Presence of nonstimulating environment
  • Fatigue
  • Pain sensation
  • Depression


1. assess the patient’s mental, physical, emotional, and environmental status It provides baseline data which will determine the patient’s readiness to engage in a particular activity
2. Assess the type of activities which are allowed for the patient to undergo during the course of treatment This is necessary to obtain baseline information on what specific activities recommended and appropriate for the patient
3. assess the patient by taking his/her vital signs ( BP, temperature, Respiratory rate, pulse rate) before beginning a particular activity It will determine the patient’s ability to perform a certain activity. It will help the nurse to proceed or not with such activity.
4. Note impact of illness or disability on the lifestyle This is to have a comparative information for assessment and determine the effectiveness of such interventions
5. Note the age, gender, cultural beliefs and practices of the patient This will determine the correct and appropriate activities for the patient.




  • The patient will engage in appropriate activities with limitations with the help of the nurse
  • The patient will be able to set schedules for the activities to be done


  • The patient performs independently the appropriate routine activities needed
  • The patient will gain more confidence in performing the appropriate activities
  • There is an increase interest in doing a more complex activity.


1. explain to the patient the activity to be done and its importance It will encourage the patient to have his/her full participation in doing an activity and by having a better understanding of its importance.
2. Choose the most appropriate activity – start from basic then gradually progresses to a more complex one It will help the patient determine his/her capacity in doing a certain activity. It will also gain his/her self-esteem.
3. Assist the patient from the start up to the last part of each activity It will guide the nurse to either continue with an activity or will reschedule on other day.
4. Let the patient verbalize what he/she feels and wants in an activity This is to determine what exact activity does the patient wants to do and enjoyed the most
5. determine the level of participation in engaging to a particular activity It will signal the nurse when an activity should be stopped so as to prevent extreme exhaustion for the patient.
6. Recheck vital signs after an activity To have a comparison on the baseline data gathered before the activity.
7. encourage the patient to set a certain schedule for the next activity This will promote further stimulation and engagement in different kinds of activities needed by the patient.