Health Conditions

Sedentary lifestyle: Nursing Diagnosis and Care Plan

Sedentary lifestyle: Nanda Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Care Plan.

Sedentary lifestyle is a term used by most medical practitioners in describing a person who does not engage in different physical activities or exercises. It is used to define the way of living of several people who are very busy in their jobs or who do not have time for such physical activities.

These people with sedentary lifestyle are those who engage into passive forms of activities which may let them sit or stand all throughout the day and keeps them inactive. Some passive hobbies or routines that eventually causes a sedentary lifestyle are watching television, playing video games and prolonged used of personal computers and smartphones. Moreover, our present jobs can also lead to a sedentary lifestyle especially those who worked at the office sitting more than 8 hours a day making paper works or different typing jobs.

Having a sedentary lifestyle whether it is a choice or not has a negative effect to the whole well-being of a person. It affects physical, mental, social and emotional aspects of a person. Limiting oneself in engaging to different physical activities or exercises affects the normal blood circulation to the different parts of the body. It will cause development of illnesses/diseases. It can affect a person’s way of thinking and will isolate him/her from the outside world.

Definition by Nanda-I

Reports a habit of life that is characterized by a low physical activity level.

Nanda Nursing Diagnosis Classification

Domain 1. Health Promotion => Class 1. Health Awareness => Sedentary lifestyle

Defining Characteristics

Related Factors

Nursing Assessment Activities

Assessment Rationale
1. Assess the client’s ability/routine in doing exercise or physical activities This is to determine how active/passive the client in exercising or doing physical activities.
2. assess the client’s knowledge on the importance of doing physical activities This will measure the client’s level of thinking and knowledge on the benefits of exercising.
3. Assess the client’s physical, mental, social, and emotional well-being as well as the gender and age This will determine the appropriate exercise suited for the client.
4. Determine the presence of resources needed in performing an activity or exercise It will aid in the successful performance of an activity with the needed resources.


Subjective and Objective Data



Desired Outcomes

Nursing Interventions/Rationale

Nursing Interventions Rationale
1. Explain to the client the activity, its importance and benefits to the body functioning and well-being It educated the client about the health benefits of doing a routine exercise. It promotes weight loss by increasing body’s energy, improving muscles tone, better heart function through normal blood circulation.
2. determine the possible barriers to the planned exercise or activity Lack of resources can be a barrier in the success of completing an activity.
3. Start an activity with warm up exercises and end up with cool down activities It will avoid the client in acquiring injuries during and after an exercise
4. check the vital signs especially the heart rate before beginning an exercise It will provide baseline data and will determine if the patient is physically ready in performing and activity
5. assist the client from the beginning up to the last part of the activity It will develop a good nurse-patient relationship by building trust in performing and activity.
6. Recommend keeping a record of activity on the exercise program as it advances to more complex activities It will keep a record on the progress of the patient in the completion off the exercise program.
7. suggest to the client on having an exercise buddy It will support and provide companionship during the activity. It will gain confidence and provide motivation in the completion of the activity.
8. Encourage involvement on active forms pf social activities This will let client meet new friends and will increase his/her engagement in different activities.








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