Health Conditions

12 symptoms of vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D is importante for our health in general. It is required for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, it boosts our immune system, and it is vital to healthy muscles, teeth and bones.

Many doctors have shown that vitamin D could prevent osteoporosis and slow its progression in the elderly, as it helps calcium absorption. However, to be effective, the intake of vitamin D and calcium must be continuous.

You can get vitamin D by simply exposing yourself to the sun. An exposition of 10-15 minutes can give 80% to 90% of recommended daily intake. Do not forget the sunscreen either!

To find out if you have a vitamin D deficiency, here are the main symptoms:

1- Muscle and bone weakness

Vitamin D is crucial for healthy teeth, bones and muscles.A muscle or bone weakness can be a symptom of vitamin D deficiency. In this case, consult a doctor.

2- Feeling of sadness

A recent study shows that a lack of vitamin D in women can cause a feeling of sadness. This vitamin has the capacity to act on the brain neurotransmitters responsible for mood, like dopamine and serotonin.

3- Sensitivity to pain

An unbalanced levels of vitamin D in the blood can cause chronic pain. In fact, some canadian researchers have recently reported that a vitamin D supplement would have relieved the chronic pain of six patients.

4- Chronic diseases of the gums

Swelling of the gums, redness or bleeding may be related to a deficiency of vitamin D. This vitamin has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation of the gum. Expose yourself to sunlight regularly.

5- Hypertension

A study in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinilogy revealed a relationship between vitamin D deficiency and hypertension. The scientists studied the genetic data of more than 146,000 people. Among those deficiency state, each 10% increase in the amount of vitamin D was associated with a 8.1% decrease in the risk of hypertension.

6- Fatigue and drowsiness

The most common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are fatigue and drowsiness. in fact, all the body tissues are vitamin D receptors. Vitamin D acts notably on cells, thyroid, parathyroid and pancreas. Furthermore, several studies have shown that people who suffer from fatigue and drowsiness had a vitamin D deficiency

7- Mood swings

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulates appetite and mood, playing an important role in depression. Vitamin D consumption can increase serotonin production.

8- Endurance

Vitamin D is important in sports activities. A recent study shows that athletes with low levels of vitamin D have less performance and less energy, unlike athletes with normal levels of vitamin D. Therefore, if you practice physical activities, have sufficient Vitamin D for better endurance.

9- Overweight

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin. A study of 38 participants showed that vitamin D could play a role in weight loss. Participants followed 11 weeks of diet during which vitamin D allowed them to lose fat in the abdomen, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

10- Diseases of the digestive system

A recent study shows that people with Crohn’s disease, gluten intolerance or inflammatory bowel disease have generally low levels of vitamin D in the blood. Vitamin D also allows the intestinal absorption of calcium, promotes digestion and strengthens the immune system.

11- Sweating from head

This is one of the most common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. Sweating in newborns usually results from a deficiency of vitamin D.

12- Allergies

Vitamin D deficiency may be associated with allergies. Regular consumption of vitamin D can be very effective against asthma, eczema or food allergies. An Australian study shows that children lacking vitamin D are three times more likely to develop a food allergy.


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