This extraordinary smoothie burns abdominal fat faster

Abdominal fat is a real health hazard. For a flat stomach, you have to basically eat foods known for their slimming properties.

Raspberries are very effective to burn fat and get a flat stomach quickly. This fruit is rich in fiber and pectin which provide a feeling of satiety.

Another food you should eat as much as possible is the grapefruit, ideal for losing belly fat. Grapefruit removes toxins from the body and promotes the loss of fat cells naturally.

Pears and apples are also excellent for weight loss. A medium pear with skin contains about 5.5g of fibers and only 100 calories, while the apple contains 4.4 g of fibers and about 90 calories. Both fruits are good to snack, and help to control your desires.

Apples and pears contain a healthy dose of flavonoids that help to burn abdominal fat. In one study, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that women who often eat apples and pears increased the use of essential materials (calories) and the rate at which fat is burned.

Pomegranate juice can also help lose extra fat.

All these foods are delicious, nutritious and effective to burn abdominal fat and have a flat stomach.

Here’s how to prepare a smoothie made from these natural ingredients. Fresh and tasty, this smoothie will actually help you lose belly fat.


– ½ cup fresh or frozen raspberries

– 1/3 cup pomegranate juice

– ½ apple

– ½ pear

– 1 grapefruit


Cut the ingredients and put them in the blender.

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